
Want your kids to reach their goals? Motivate them to practice hard things

New research shows that by teaching our children to practice the right way, they can reach their goals, and become reliable and dependable, writes Maryam Abdullah.


Logging on to Relaxation

Gamifying wellbeing is part of a new program that's helping students to de-stress and maintain focus, writes Professor Dianne Vella-Brodrick, University of Melbourne.


Testing Times: Are we Making Kids Afraid of Exams?

We may be teaching children to be afraid of exams, rather than encouraging them to see exams as a positive challenge, writes Mandie Shean.


Best of the Web: Mental Health Concerns over VCE, and more

The impact of VCE pressure on mental health, treating parents for a child's anxiety, and teaching kids to cross the road safely.


How good nutrition can boost the mood of kids and teens

Leading adolescent and child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg has co-authored a new book on mood-boosting snacks for kids and teenagers, writes Shane Green.


Do your Kids a Favour – Make them Walk

Driving children to and from school has created a 'backseat generation' that is missing out on vital exercise.


The one thing that will define your life

Louka Parry has a personal mantra: control your tech, or it will control you.


Protecting Children Online: A Community Responsibility

Parents are at the frontline of keeping children safe online, but all of us have a role in protecting children from harm, writes eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant.


Best of the Web: Raising Happy Kids in the Digital Age, Why Kids should Talk Back, and Parenting with MND

Why getting kids outside matters more than ever, encouraging conversations between adults and children, and parenting with MND.
