
How to help your child become a reader
Reading aloud to your children can be incredibly rewarding, for both of you. It's also a great way to jumpstart their learning, says Diane Bourke.

How can you help your child make friends?
Kids sometimes worry about making friends at school, but there are ways to help them connect with their peers, say Gretchen Geng and Phillip Slee.

Best of the Web: when your child starting school is harder on you than them
When your child starting prep is harder on you than them, how a school is using music to help kids transition to school, and the risks of posting back-to-school photos

Christmas can be tricky for kids with separated parents. Here are 5 tips to help them cope
Christmas traditions often focus on being together. Psychologists Elizabeth Westrupp and Christiane Kehoe offer their tips for helping children cope with being apart.

The beach is an amazing place to teach kids about science. Here are 3 things to try this summer
Going to the beach over the break? Deakin researcher Chris Speldewinde shares three ways to spark your child's curiosity about the natural world while you are there.

The secret to a great family summer break? Over to you, kids…
When it comes to 'overscheduling' versus 'boredom', popular family and parenting educator Dr Justin Coulson has some ideas to make the summer holiday period enjoyable for the whole family.

Best of the Web: TikTok bans beauty filters for kids, the rise of image-based abuse, and more
Why TikTok is banning beauty filters for teens, how image-based abuse is changing childhood, and not saying 'no' to your children

The real weight of parenting
Keeping kids to the school routine and driving them to sports and parties can be exhausting, says Michelle Mitchell, but parents carry an even heavier weight.

‘School is boring’: what it means when your child says they’re bored in class, and how you can help
How do you respond when your child says ‘school is boring’? It’s important to understand why they feel that way, say University of Queensland learning experts Amanda Bourgeois and Annemaree Carroll.