
Watch Tim Klein’s parent webinar on helping our kids emerge from this crisis stronger and more resilient

In our latest The Parents Website Webinar, educator, therapist and school counsellor Tim Klein challenged our thinking on how we can view the pandemic and explained how our kids can emerge as stronger people. Here, you can watch the full webinar.


Watch Dr Justin Coulson’s webinar on guiding children sensitively through tough times

Popular family and parenting educator Dr Justin Coulson gave parents and carers invaluable ideas and support during The Parents Website Webinar on helping our kids through these tough times. Here, you can watch the full webinar.


Five ideas for parents with young children in lockdown

Wondering how to keep your little ones busy and entertained during lockdown? Here are some great practical and education-based ideas from Svitlana Korchova-Tyurina and Katrina Tour.


Our one-stop guide to family resources on The Parents Website

Looking for remote learning tips, and ideas and support for family life and wellbeing? Here's a one-stop guide to all the resources we've published.


Remote learning 2.0 – how this time, we’re doing better

The return to learning at home has been a big challenge, but as Peter Hanlon writes, the lessons learned are helping teachers and students, and opening up new ways of thinking about education.


Home, not alone: Relaunch

Here we go again. Back in lockdown, Ruairi O'Duil reflects on how this time, we'll be better.


Best of the Web: Watch this beautiful children’s story from Melbourne on how humanity is shining through our Windows

A new children's digital book to inspire all of us, three tips on surviving Lockdown 2.0, and how we can take the pressure off parents.


My amygdala is named Petal: A book review

Kids can do amazing things with the right information. Understanding why anxiety feels the way it does and where the physical symptoms come from are powerful steps in turning it around, writes Natalie Moutafis, in this review of the children's book, Hey Warrior.


Best of the Web: Hamish Blake opens up about mental health, in a must-see video for teenagers

Powerful monologues by Hamish Blake and others as part of an ABC series on mental health, educating students about 'fake news', teaching kids not to fear everything during COVID-19, and how pandemic journals can help.
