The Arts

What’s the point of drama class? It teaches the workplace skills employers want, for a start
Doing drama in Year 12 gives students skills that will help them with life, learning and employability, say Deakin education experts Joanne O’Mara and Jo Raphael.

When is a good time for a child to start music lessons?
When it comes to starting music lessons, research says the sooner the better. But what is the right age to start?

Best of the Web: Parental bias when it comes to maths abilities, and more
How gender stereotypes at home may hamper female students’ progression in the classroom, are we robbing our kids of music discovery, and the impact of sleep on teen mental health.

Cultivating a sense of awe and wonder in children
The world is full of awe and wonder, you just need to know where to look for it. Here, ISV's Diane Bourke explains the benefits of awe-inducing experiences, and how parents can unlock the magic for their children, and themselves.

Awe-inspiring verse: Calling all student poets
Do you have an aspiring young poet in the family? Find out how they can take part in ISV's popular annual Student Poetry Competition.

Echoes of awe: Inspiration for your student poet
From a grain of sand to stars in the nighttime sky, the world is full of awe. ISV’s Diane Bourke draws inspiration from the likes of Taylor Swift and William Blake to guide students writing to the theme of this year’s Student Poetry Competition.

Best of the Web: Why end-of-year concerts matter, and more
The benefits of the end-of-year school performance, parents rethinking the way they share photos online, and the rise of selective mutism in children.

Student Film Festival 2023: And the winners are…
A challenging yet witty film about the impact of culture clash and racial stereotypes on young Australians from Asian backgrounds has won the Year 12 award in the annual Student Film Festival conducted by Independent Schools Victoria (ISV).

ISV’s Student Poetry Competition: And the winners are…
The winning poems in the annual Student Poetry Competition run by Independent Schools Victoria have been drawn from close to 600 entries from schools across the state.