Screen Time

Parenting with nature in mind

With the holiday season upon us, many parents face the return of screen time battles. But, writes psychologist Megan de Beyer, surrendering to nature might just be what you and your teen need.


Are you still watching? Screen time tips from the eSafety Commissioner

The hit show Squid Game shows the need to check what your child is watching, writes the eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant.


Best of the Web: Tips for parenting teens on screens, and more

Useful ideas to mange your teen's screen time, Lego removing gender stereotypes, and expert advice to help maintain children's mental health.


Best of the Web: 6 ways to help with parental burnout, and more

Strategies for parents to cope with burnout, the benefits of connecting emotionally with your kids, and why video games should be used in the classroom.


Kids and exercise: Why we’ll need to make sure they’re on track

With increased screen time and a decline in physical activity among children during lockdowns, we'll need to monitor what happens next, write Tim Olds, Carol Maher and Verity Booth.


Top 10 child health problems: What Australian parents think

A recent RCH National Child Health Poll found that excessive screen time was the number one child health concern, with 57 per cent of Australian parents rating it as a big problem.


Best of the Web: A must-read inspirational story for students feeling down about their ATAR, and more…

A personal story from a Melbourne doctor on why a disappointing ATAR can be an opportunity, new research on schools providing lunch, and a plea to stop shaming parents over screen time.


Explore The Parents Website Webinars

Find out about our webinar series for parents, and catch up on previous webinars.


Wean your teen off the screen: tips from Andrew Fuller

Our teens have been glued to their screens like never before. How can we help get the balance back? Leading adolescent psychologist Andrew Fuller offers some strategies for parents to gently support the process.
