Stay calm and carry on: A family survival guide
Parents and kids are facing some struggles in our stay-at-home lives. Peter Hanlon asked the experts for some practical tips and advice to help, part of our Best of The Parents Website series.
What it means to be Man Enough
Our boys and their fathers are fighting a generations-old narrative about expectations of manhood. Natalie Moutafis discovers a new book that allows them to truly believe that they are enough, just as they are.
Best of the Web: The lockdown fatigue of high school students, and more
How the pandemic has affected our senior students, the amazing TED Talk by seven-year-old Molly Wright, and not wanting to play with the kids anymore.
Calling new parents: How are you finding the balancing act?
Researchers from Curtin University want to hear from parents with new children how they balance parenting with the rest of their lives, writes Hugh Riddell.
Best of the Web: Teaching your ‘wanty’ kids about money, and more
Teaching kids about money, why teens should have a say about COVID vaccines, and alarm over apps getting kids' data.
Great expectations: Believing in your child’s academic success can boost results
New research shows that parents optimistic about their child's maths and reading ability can encourage academic success, write Philip D. Parker, Jake Anders, Rhiannon Parker and Taren Sanders.
Best of the Web: Let’s value young children as contributing citizens, and more…
Rethinking how we regard young children, the joys of family life living on a bus, and an app that scans your Lego and suggests ideas to build.
The Five Aspects of Emotional Intelligence – Empathy and Social Management
In the final of her series exploring Emotional Intelligence, Brett Borbely considers the role of empathy and social management.
My Tiny Humans: Yesterday I was pregnant
Natalie Moutafis shares the sorrow of her pregnancy loss and encourages us to talk more about miscarriage and infertility struggles.