Mental Health

‘This totally sucks!’ Teens, COVID and the Lockdown Lifestyle – tips from Andrew Fuller
Our teenagers have been doing it hard in the pandemic. Leading adolescent psychologist Andrew Fuller offers them some advice and tips on how to get through it.

Best of the Web: Why I let my children swear, and more
A parent tells how allowing kids to swear can improve relationships, what limits you should impose on screen time, and how letting kids roam free helps them become good adult navigators.

What it means to be Man Enough
Our boys and their fathers are fighting a generations-old narrative about expectations of manhood. Natalie Moutafis discovers a new book that allows them to truly believe that they are enough, just as they are.

Top 10 child health problems: What Australian parents think
A recent RCH National Child Health Poll found that excessive screen time was the number one child health concern, with 57 per cent of Australian parents rating it as a big problem.

Best of the Web: Maggie Dent on how to talk to kids about the news, and more…
How to talk to kids when the news is all gloomy, a touching reflection on watching your children grow up, and the case for sports uniforms every day.

The students playing COVID catch-up
With the recent return to remote learning, Peter Hanlon examines the developmental impact 2020 had on particular groups of students.

How perfectionism hurts our girls
As part of our Best of The Parents Website series, Shane Green looks at the growing awareness of the dangers posed by perfectionist thinking by girls, in this feature first published in 2016.

Best of the Web: Three ways families can restore their digital health, and more
A new study confirms our overuse of screens, the impact of ultra-thin dolls on kids' body image, and using business skills to improve your parenting time.

How we can build optimism in uncertain times
In these challenging days, it's easy to despair. Deborah Trengove explains how we can all embrace optimism, with 'above the line' thinking.