
What to do when your child doesn’t like handwriting

Putting pencil to paper isn't easy for all children. Diane Bourke shares her advice on how parents can encourage children to find the fun in handwriting.


Best of the Web: The uneven responsibility of managing kids digital use, and more

Kids' digital usage often falls to mum to manage, Maggie Dent on teenage boys and the shift to focus on wellbeing, and the new Australian Children's Laureate.


Why children’s stories are full of orphans, evil stepmothers and boarding schools

While ideas of family are changing, from Charles Dickens to Harry Potter, absent parents endure in children’s literature write Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan and Dr Jade Dillon Craig.


Does your child have reading difficulties? They may also have reading anxiety

There is growing evidence suggesting difficulties with reading and mental health may be related in some children. Here, Genevieve McArthur shares what parents can do.


ISV’s Student Poetry Competition: And the winners are…

The winning poems in the annual Student Poetry Competition run by Independent Schools Victoria have been drawn from close to 600 entries from schools across the state.


Making history: The 2023 Children’s Book of the Year Winners

The 2023 Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards acknowledges the work of writers and illustrators that enrich the imaginations of our young readers.


Best of the Web: When your teen asks for non-alcoholic beer, and more

What to consider when your teen asks for a non-alcoholic beer or wine, self-care tips for parents from mental health experts and how to help young people with dyslexia.


5 reasons kids still need to learn handwriting

Handwriting is not just about forming letters, write Lucinda McKnight and Maria Nicholas. It also develops fine motor skills, helps with memory and even wellbeing – so AI has not made it redundant.


10 ideas to get our boys reading – for life

Boys lag behind girls when it comes to reading, writes Margaret K. Merga. She suggests ways we can make reading fun for boys – not just for school but life.
