
The Caterpillars and the Bush, by Emily Lam

The Short Story Competition run as part of our Arts Learning Festival showcased the creative talents of Victorian students. We've asked winners to record their stories. Our first is Emily Lam, from Presbyterian Ladies' College, joint winner of the Foundation - Year 2 category.


Best of the Web: Screen Time has Little Impact on Teens, and more

What's the real impact of screen time on teens, teaching kids critical thinking, and anti-bullying programs that harm.


Children’s Books: the Best of 2018

Speech Pathology Australia has announced the winners of its 2018 Children's Book of the Year Awards.


Best of the Web: Getting kids to write, and more

Encouraging our children to write, why the ATAR matters, kids books go political, and our young concerned about mental health.


Winning the reading game

Educator Michael Panckridge started writing sports-themed books to help reluctant young readers, writes Shane Green. That was 40 books ago. Read his story - and his five tips to encourage reading.


9 reasons why boys need to read

The statistics show boys aren't reading enough, but Brighton Grammar School's Paul Stewart isn't giving up. He offers some practical tips to engage boys with books.


Four tips to help children learn to read

How we learn to read involves a combination of strategies, writes Professor Misty Adoniou.


The Future of Handwriting: What We Think

Last year, we reported on a survey that was asking parents and teachers whether handwriting mattered. The results are in.


Required reading: the books students read around the world

TED has compiled this fascinating list. The Australian book is close to home. By Daryl Chen and Laura McClure.
