In the next instalment of our new career series, 'So you want to be...', we speak with Keiren Jacobs on how she became an electrician.
We’re sharing some varied careers with you to discuss with the young people in your life who are beginning to think about the careers they’d like to pursue.
In this next instalment of our ‘So you want to be…‘ career series, Natalie Moutafis spoke with electrician Keiren Jacobs on how she came to choose the trade, and what she loves about the work.
When did you know you wanted this career?
I knew I wanted to do a field based career from around Year 9. I grew up on a large farm so knew I loved being outside. Doing work experience through school in Year 10 really helped me determine that it was a trade I wanted to do. Further work experience in years 11 and 12 helped me try a few trades and find an interest in electricity.
Did you choose subjects in high school to aid you in this career path?
Yes, I did maths as a lot of electrical work involves an element of maths. Physics also helped with some of the foundations of electrical theory but it’s not essential.
Did you undertake further education (University, TAFE, on the job training etc.) for this career?
Yes! As part of my trade, I did a Certificate III in Electrotechnology at TAFE; this is coupled with on-the-job training every day.
What do you love about your career?
I love being outside at a different location every day. I love learning on the job also. I found out at school that I learn by doing and a trade really suits people who learn like this. I also really love the satisfaction of being able to physically see what you’ve built and achieved at the end of a job.

What do you wish you knew about your career before you started?
I wish I had known how far a trade can take you! I have used my trade as a stepping stone in my career. Completing a trade was just the start for me, I have had so many other roles since then including works scheduling, process improvement, managing performance and most recently being the lead of my company’s international deployment team.
Any advice to students contemplating this as a career path?
I highly recommend doing a trade to everyone. A trade is a fantastic blend of on-the-job training as well as learning the theory – all while getting paid! I also really encourage utilising school holidays to do work experience to get a good idea of what each trade is like.

Keiren Jacobs is a Network Optimisation Business Partner at Essential Energy. We thank her for sharing her story on how she came to be an electrician with The Parents Website.
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