Her Mum used to tell Natalie Moutafis she'd understand one day. Now, she does.
Mum, I get it now, I think. I’ve got no doubt that there’ll be days to come where I realise more and more how much so, but please know that I get it.
You always put your family first, rarely prioritising yourself. I’m not even sure I recall you ever getting sick when I was a child, though I’m sure you did.
You taught me how to be a strong woman and mother, simply by being you. You also showed me how to be fair, compassionate and kind among many other traits.
I know now that becoming a mother changes you.
You taught me how to be the mother I am today, and I thank you for that. I’m still finding my feet, and still feeling like I need your guidance, but you’ve given me the courage to know that I’m doing the best job I can do and that’s all that matters.
So, thank you. Thank you for all that you did (and still do) for me (and now, your grandchildren).
Thank you for the early mornings, the late nights, the all-nighters, the laughs, the tears, the kisses and cuddles, the kiss-it-betters, the lessons, the hard yards, the lunchboxes, the laundry, the home cooked meals, the advice, the housekeeping, the special treats, and the million other things you did that went without thanks.
I can still hear you saying to me ‘you’ll understand one day’.
I finally understand Mum. Maybe not quite to the extent that you do, I’m only a few years into this mothering business, but I understand.
Even now, thousands of kilometres apart in different states, you are still there for me. Just like I’m telling your grandchildren I’ll always be there for them.
A simple thank you doesn’t cut it. But I wanted you to know that I appreciate, and I see you now. I see what you sacrificed for us and how much you love us.
So, on yet another Mother’s Day, and grandmother’s day, thank you for all that you did and all that you continue to do. We love you.
About Natalie Moutafis
Natalie Moutafis is the author of our Tiny Humans blog, providing her engaging and insightful take on life with two young children. Natalie is also a project manager at ISV.
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