As a second-time mum, Natalie Moutafis is noticing how so many things have changed - and the special things that have remained the same.
Maybe it’s just me, but I’m finding now that I’m one year into being the parent of two Tiny Humans, I’m not as stressed or worried about things as I was with just one child.
I am, I think, a little more relaxed about it all.
Now, if they are both generally happy and healthy, I try not to let myself get caught up in overthinking things too much (which is often easier said than done, but I’m working on it). I know how fast they grow, and I know how quickly their firsts soon become lasts, and I find myself wishing that just for a moment, they were a tiny helpless newborn in my arms again.
As a first-time mum I encouraged standing, crawling and walking. As a second time mum I wanted to duct tape her to the floor and slow her down.
As a first-time mum I knew how old he was down to months, weeks and days. As a second time mum you’ll have to give me a few minutes to work out what day it is and maybe I can work out how many months she is.
As a first-time mum I worried about sleep and awake times. As a second time mum I follow her cues and try not to stress so much.
As a first-time mum I tried to limit salt, sugar and processed food consumption by my son once he started eating solids. As a second time mum I’m just happy for both kids to eat what is put in front of them.
As a first-time mum I wanted all the new clothes and toys. As a second time mum the hand-me-downs are perfectly fine, if not better, as they are worn in, soft and well-loved – even better when you are given a bag from a friend because they already know this.
As a first-time mum I left messy play for the educators at childcare for the most part. As a second time mum if you don’t lick all the paint off the brush I’m generally okay with the messy play at home.
As a first-time mum I hated to hear you cry and would console you as soon as I could. As a second time mum, I hate to hear you cry and console you as soon as I can.
As a first time mum I would smell your hair and stroke your brow as you fell asleep or had a snugly cuddle. As a second time mum, I smell your hair and stroke your brow as you fall asleep or have a snugly cuddle.
I guess my point is that every parent is different. If you are a first, second or fourth-time parent, you’ll parent your children the way they need you to. I love that I’m more relaxed as a second time mum. I’ve worked out what is important and what’s not.
As long as we are all happy and healthy, not much else matters and hopefully that makes me a better mum to my tiny humans.
About Natalie Moutafis
Natalie Moutafis is the author of our Tiny Humans blog, providing her engaging and insightful take on life with two young children. Natalie is also a project manager at ISV.
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