Tiny Humans
Natalie Moutafis is the author of our Tiny Humans blog, providing her engaging and insightful take on life with two young children. Natalie is also a project manager at ISV.
My Tiny Humans: To my mother on Mother’s Day
Her Mum used to tell Natalie Moutafis she'd understand one day. Now, she does.
My Tiny Humans: Six things isolation has reminded me
With two tiny humans in the house, isolation is reminding Natalie Moutafis of some important lessons – including children are like puppies, and ‘staying at home’ fun.
My Tiny Humans: amid the anxiety, a time for gratitude, bravery, kindness – and hope
In these anxious times, our Tiny Humans blogger Natalie Moutafis is discovering the positives of her family self-isolating and being together.
My Tiny Humans: Finding inspiration, by the book
Before her Tiny Humans arrived, Natalie Moutafis would devour a novel a week. Now she reads to help her as a parent.
My tiny humans: Explaining the bushfires
Her toddler has seen images from the bushfires on the TV, and wondered about the 'grey' sky. By Natalie Moutafis.
My tiny humans: Christmas edition
During the festive season, Natalie Moutafis is following the advice of Dr Seuss - making sure her children know that Christmas doesn't come from a store.
Travelling, with my tiny humans
Natalie Moutafis and her family threw caution to the wind and headed off on an overseas holiday. Here are her top tips for travelling with tiny humans.
My Tiny Human: Toilet Talk
The time had come for the Tiny Human to be toilet trained, writes Natalie Moutafis. Her number one tip? Do not attempt when pregnant.
My Tiny Toddler: A Letter to you on your Birthday
Natalie Moutafis' toddler has just turned two. She wrote a letter to him on his birthday.