
2024 Webinars for parents and carers, from eSafety

Learn how to support your children to have safe online experiences in a free live webinar from the eSafety Commissioner.


3 ways to help your child transition off screens and avoid the dreaded ‘tech tantrums’

For many families, there is a daily battle around getting kids off their screens and back into real life. Here Juliana Zabatiero, Kate Highfield, Leon Straker and Susan Edwards share their tips for parents.


Best of the Web: Active or overscheduled kids? And more

Finding balance in extracurricular activities, why half of parents want to improve their disciplining skills and patience, and understanding school avoidance.


Best of the Web: Why end-of-year concerts matter, and more

The benefits of the end-of-year school performance, parents rethinking the way they share photos online, and the rise of selective mutism in children.


3 things parents should teach their kids about AI

AI is now accessible to everyone, including our young people. Kathy Mills and Christian Moro share their tips for parents here.


Best of the Web: Does birth order shape personality, and more

Is there any truth to birth order stereotypes, 'teen-ternity' leave for parents, and why your kids are better behaved for other people.


Student Film Festival 2023: And the winners are…

A challenging yet witty film about the impact of culture clash and racial stereotypes on young Australians from Asian backgrounds has won the Year 12 award in the annual Student Film Festival conducted by Independent Schools Victoria (ISV).


Best of the Web: Being a better sporting parent, and more

How we can do better at being sports parents, why attachment parenting is not just for mothers, and the Dad of a Google engineer's top parenting rule.


Best of the Web: The inevitability of watching your children grow up, and more

The challenging adjustment of moving from child to tween. Are you overindulging or just spoiling your child? And the new campaign asking parents to talk about child sexual abuse.
