Heading back to school – or starting school – can create excitement and anxiety for some young people. Here are our most popular articles to help your family navigate this time of year.
Do you have a child starting school for the first time this year, or a child heading into high school?
It can be a mixture of excitement and anxiety for some children – and parents – so we’ve collated some of our most popular posts to give you all the information you might need to help get everyone back to school this year.
Starting school articles
Starting School: 10 tips for you and your child
Starting school can create excitement and uncertainty – for both children and parents. Natalie Moutafis asked our experts for tips for a more enjoyable and relaxed transition, before the first day arrives.
How to help your child feel less anxious about starting school
Starting school can be an anxious time for many children – and their parents. Mandie Shean provides some tips and ideas on how to make the transition easier.
My Tiny Humans: My first year as a school parent
The transition to ‘big school’ is not just about the kids but also their parents, Natalie Moutafis discovered. Here she shares her tips on surviving the first year as a school parent.
Getting little ones ready for big school, with Maggie Dent
Heading into ‘big school’ is a daunting process for parents and children alike. Maggie Dent, one of Australia’s leading parenting educators gives her advice on how to support the transition.
How good nutrition can boost the mood of kids and teens
Leading adolescent and child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg has co-authored a new book on mood-boosting snacks for kids and teenagers, writes Shane Green.
iSpodcast: Summer Series 3 – How to help kids start school
In this special episode, Natalie Moutafis talks with education expert Rod Soper about the ways parents can help prepare their kids for starting school.

Back to school articles
How to manage school anxiety: What children and teens need from us
The return to school can mean anxious kids. Karen Young, psychologist and creator of Hey Sigmund, shares ways to help children through school anxiety and open the way for brave.
Dreaming big: How your teen can reset their sleep cycle for success
Teens need to reset their sleeping times now to be ready for school, writes Dr Andrew Fuller. He gives them a step-by-step guide to make it happen.
Welcome to Secondary School: A Guide To Surviving and Thriving
Is your child starting secondary school? Andrew Fuller has some great advice for them on how to make the most of the next step on the education ladder.
Five tips to help kids ease back into school
School is about to go back. Are you and your child ready? Here are some suggestions to make the transition easier. By Christine Grove and Kelly-Ann Allen.
VCE parents: How to be your child’s cheerleader, and more tips
Is your teen embarking on the VCE? An update of the book Surviving Year 12 by Michael Carr-Gregg and Elly Robinson is full of useful advice so students and their families can survive and thrive.
eSafety Commissioner’s 5 Tips for Back-to-School Online Safety
The start of the school year is the perfect time to consider the online safety of your children. Julie Inman Grant, the eSafety Commissioner, offers some practical advice and resources.
10 handy study apps for high school students
With the beginning of a new school year, parents are looking for ways to help their teenagers manage their workload and study. To help get you started, we’ve created a list of 10 handy study apps to share with your high school student.
How to encourage kids to eat breakfast before school
Yes, eating breakfast really is important. So how can parents help kids to eat this meal? Evangeline Mantzioris shares her advice to get kids to school with a full stomach.
Best of the Web: When your child won’t go to school, and more
The growing problem of school refusal, the agonies of Mum Guilt, and why parents must model good screen behaviour for their children.
Best of the Web: School lunches and the pressure to impress, and more
School lunch box stress, giving kids a ‘healthy digital diet’, and ideas to bully-proof kids.
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