The Wolves of the Night, a poem by Ariana Fais

Ariana Fais, a Year 3 student at Elwood Primary School, has won ISV's Student Poetry Competition 2021 in the Years 3-4 category for her poem, The Wolves of the Night. Here, she recites her winning poem.

Ariana Fais, a Year 3 student at Elwood Primary School, has won ISV’s Student Poetry Competition 2021 in the Years 3-4 category for her poem, The Wolves of the Night.

The competition, part of our Arts Learning Festival, was open to students from all school sectors, and attracted some 350 entries.

This is what the judges said about Ariana’s poem:

Clever, colourful and descriptive language give wings to this joyful poem.

You can watch Ariana read the poem in the video below, and read it for yourself, along with the students awarded honourable mentions in the category for their outstanding work.

Here are the winners in other categories:

Prep-Year 2: Mia Mastroianni, a Year 2 student at St. Margaret’s Berwick Grammar School  for her poem, Max.

Years 5-6: Grace Sudjono, a Year 6 student at Harkaway Hills College, for her poem, Awaiting Spring.

Years 7-8: Nechama Davis, a Year 8 student at Beth Rivkah Ladies College, for her poem, Dancing with Tempestas.

Years 9-10: Melis Benli, a Year 10 student at Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School, for her poem, Lighting the Fire.

Years 11-12: Emma Jones, a Year 12 student at Tintern Grammar, for her poem, Father and Daughter.

You can also find full result details and view Deputy Premier and Minister for Education James Merlino here, and in the news section of the Arts Learning Festival website

The Wolves of the Night, by Ariana Fais

Padding through the forest on all fours

The wind is on their backs, dirt under paws


The moon is high, the trees are tall and the stars shine bright,

These are the wolves of the night.


Head high, up with pride, ears pinned back,

Howling together as a pack.


Fur rustling in the breeze, teeth shine white,

These are the wolves of the night.


Fast as a horse, smart as an owl,

Listen, can you hear that? it’s their howl.


As noble as a knight,

These are the wolves of the night!

Honourable Mentions

The Herd of Horses
Ava Lopez-Williams, Year 4, Elsternwick Primary School

Cricket Match
Jake Raleigh, Year 4, Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School

Joy is like the Flu
Holiday McLean, Year 3Fitzroy Community School

Jason Long, Year 4, Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School

The Unknown
Cameron Cao, Year 4, Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School

Tyge Kennedy, Year 4, Fitzroy Community School

Campbell Doak, Year 4, Elsternwick Primary School

Monday Blues
Tobias Gilbertson, Year 4Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School

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