Nechama Davis, a Year 8 student at Beth Rivkah Ladies College, has won ISV's Student Poetry Competition 2021 in the Years 7-8 category for her poem, Dancing with Tempestas. Here, she recites her winning poem.
Nechama Davis, a Year 8 student at Beth Rivkah Ladies College, has won ISV’s Student Poetry Competition 2021 in the Years 7-8 category for her poem, Dancing with Tempestas.
The competition, part of our Arts Learning Festival, was open to students from all school sectors, and attracted some 350 entries.
This is what the judges said about Nechama’s poem:
A well-constructed, joyful poem that illuminates the poet’s knowledge of mythology and the goddess of storms and sudden weather.
You can watch Nechama read the poem in the video below, and read it for yourself, along with the students awarded honourable mentions in the category for their outstanding work.
Here are the winners in other categories:
Prep-Year 2: Mia Mastroianni, a Year 2 student at St. Margaret’s Berwick Grammar School for her poem, Max.
Years 3-4: Ariana Fais, a Year 3 student at Elwood Primary School, for her poem, The Wolves of the Night.
Years 5-6: Grace Sudjono, a Year 6 student at Harkaway Hills College, for her poem, Awaiting Spring.
Years 9-10: Melis Benli, a Year 10 student at Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School, for her poem, Lighting the Fire.
Years 11-12: Emma Jones, a Year 12 student at Tintern Grammar, for her poem, Father and Daughter.
You can also find full result details and view Deputy Premier and Minister for Education James Merlino here, and in the news section of the Arts Learning Festival website
Dancing with Tempestas, by Nechama Davis
One day the heavens parted,
And the blue sky departed.
She let out a torrent of sound,
As the rain heavily hit the ground.
I twirled in the long grass,
As Zephyros and Tempestas,
Came to an impasse.
I cried,
As my mother
Called me inside.
‘Mother can’t you hear her, the storm’s silent song?
She dances alone with no-one near her for long.
She cries to me day and night,
And it is such a sorrowful sight.
None of the children come out and dance,
To come out and skip and prance.’
Thunder rumbles outside,
As my mother argues despairingly inside.
‘She’s been lonely all her life,
She can handle more strife.’
‘Please, let me leave.
She will sing and I will dance,
Please just give us a chance.’
Mother gives in with a terrible groan,
And I was out the door,
Before she could know.’
I hop and skip and prance outside,
But nothing could compare,
To the joy we felt inside.
She and I are one,
Long after she dissipates,
To the land of none.
Honourable mentions
Yolanda, Year 8, Presbyterian Ladies College
My Little One
DL Hoenders, Year 8, Beth Rivkah Ladies College
Harvey Sayers, Year 8, Peninsula Grammar
The Small Joys of Life
Israth Shaik, Year 7, Al-Taqwa College
Zoe Ryan, Year 7, Geelong Lutheran College
Joy is…
Kierah Haywood-Beaston, Year 8, Homeschool
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