Screen Time
Kids and Screen Time: Why Parents Should ‘Drop the Guilt’
A new book urges parents to 'embrace the good' that screens can offer. We speak to the author Anya Kamenetz.
Best of the Web: the Batman Effect on Kids, Fighting Against Tech, Volunteering and Teens, and Don’t Ban Fairy Tales
Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.
Best of the Web: Nurturing Good Writers, What Kids Think about Parental Phone Use, and Finland Excited about Victoria’s Best
Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.
The struggle by parents to control their children's screen time is tackled in Screenagers, a documentary that's getting worldwide attention, now showing in Australia, writes Shane Green.
Screen Time Dominates Young Lives: Poll
The findings of the latest Australian Child Health Poll show that screens now have a central place in many children's lives before they reach school.
Not just about screen time. Why a healthy digital diet matters
A new approach to screen use by children is all about the quality of what they consume, not just screen time, writes Shane Green.