Screen Time

Best of the Web: Raising Happy Kids in the Digital Age, Why Kids should Talk Back, and Parenting with MND
Why getting kids outside matters more than ever, encouraging conversations between adults and children, and parenting with MND.

Kids and Screen Time: Why Parents Should ‘Drop the Guilt’
A new book urges parents to 'embrace the good' that screens can offer. We speak to the author Anya Kamenetz.

Best of the Web: the Batman Effect on Kids, Fighting Against Tech, Volunteering and Teens, and Don’t Ban Fairy Tales
Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.

Best of the Web: Nurturing Good Writers, What Kids Think about Parental Phone Use, and Finland Excited about Victoria’s Best
Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.

The struggle by parents to control their children's screen time is tackled in Screenagers, a documentary that's getting worldwide attention, now showing in Australia, writes Shane Green.

Screen Time Dominates Young Lives: Poll
The findings of the latest Australian Child Health Poll show that screens now have a central place in many children's lives before they reach school.

Not just about screen time. Why a healthy digital diet matters
A new approach to screen use by children is all about the quality of what they consume, not just screen time, writes Shane Green.