
Best of the Web

Cooking with kids a recipe for happiness, how to ease back from helicopter parenting, why girls need aunties, and more...


‘I knew there’d be controversy, that people would be angry.’

John Marsden's challenging new book, The Art of Growing Up, has divided opinion. In this interview with The Parents' Website, he explains his views.


Best of the Web

Tips to deal with exam stress, how to enjoy being a parent, why breakfast is the new family mealtime, and more.


Andrew Fuller: Reigniting your teenager’s motivation

Is your teenager in a winter slump? Study routines ditched? Leading clinical psychologist and author Andrew Fuller offers some practical advice on firing up their self-belief.


Best of the Web

Should you push your child to do better, why music makes stronger students, getting siblings to work it out, and more.


And Then There Were Two: My Tiny Humans

There is a new tiny human in their home, writes Natalie Moutafis. She tells how she is soaking up the precious moments.


Best of the Web: the Family Dog is your Teen’s Best Friend, When your Sibling is your Bully, Kids Tell Parents What they Think of Them, and more…

Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.


Mothers Tell their Stories of Navigating Work and Childcare, over the Generations

Public debates about mothers and work remain mired in the rational and economic, writes Carla Pascoe Leahy. But her interviews with generations of Australian mothers revealed that emotions played a big part in their decisions.


Making better dads

The Fathering Project is helping to equip fathers become the best dads they can be. Shane Green reports on how a simple idea of Dads' Groups based around school communities is making a profound difference on men and their families.
