How to encourage kids to eat breakfast before school
Yes, eating breakfast really is important. So how can parents help kids to eat this meal? Evangeline Mantzioris shares her advice to get kids to school with a full stomach.
Best of the Web: Making our neighbourhoods kid-friendly, and more
How we can make our neighbourhoods kid-friendly once again, talking to teenagers about money, and should you post your kids' lives online?
Best of the Web: How to overcome your maths anxiety to help your kids, and more
Why a fear of maths could really be maths anxiety, ferrying kids around in the car can be a time to connect, and how children are making us more eco-conscious.
6 ways to help your primary kid learn to write
How can parents help their kids learn to write at home? It's as easy as shopping lists or jokes on the fridge, write Anabela Malpique, Deborah Pino Pasternak, Debora Valcan and Susan Ledger.
Why ‘screen time’ is an outdated concept
'Screen time' is an outdated concept, so let's ditch it and focus on quality instead, writes Kate Highfield.
Best of the Web: How a beehive helped a teen with dyslexia, and more
How bees gave a teen with dyslexia a different way to learn, saying the wrong things to parents of kids with disabilities, and parenting kids when you have money.
Best of the Web: The social superpower of sensitive boys, and more
Why we should encourage sensitivity in boys, how chores might improve kids' brain function, and the new parental controls from Instagram.
My Tiny Humans: Oh Cheese and Crackers!
After hearing her kids utter a few choice words, Natalie Moutafis questions the power of swear words and how to approach their use by young kids.
Maggie Dent’s tips for navigating emotions with little girls
In this extract from her new book, Girlhood, parenting educator Maggie Dent gives parents ideas to help their young girls through their emotionally charged 'hot' moments.