
Has your teen been fired from their casual job? Tips to support them

Part-time work can be great for your teen's development. But what happens when things don't work out? Careers expert Helen Green offers tips and advice on how parents and carers can help.


10 ideas to get our boys reading – for life

Boys lag behind girls when it comes to reading, writes Margaret K. Merga. She suggests ways we can make reading fun for boys – not just for school but life.


Best of the Web: How to have difficult conversations with your teen, and more

Navigating tricky conversations with your teenager, why it's okay for kids to play with their food, and how 'conscious' parenting can create a stronger bond with your child.


My child is throwing away their education, from Dr Justin Coulson

What should you do if your senior student isn't engaged in their studies? In this extract from his new book, parenting expert Dr Justin Coulson explains how a 'need-supportive' approach can help.


The case for banning corporal punishment of kids

Australia is lagging behind the world in still allowing parents to physically punish their children, writes Sophie Havighurst. She argues we must make it illegal.


Best of the Web: Talking to kids when money is tight, and more

How to have money conversations with your kids, leaving the phone at home, and why my parents lied to me about my birthday.


Team Family: Why we need the family meeting

Families are teams and need regular team meetings to make them work, writes Dr Deborah Trengove. She gives her top 10 tips for effective family meetings.


How video games are supporting young people to build positive social connections

Video games are being used as an effective tool to help neurodivergent kids develop important teamwork skills, writes Jess Rowlings.


Best of the Web: Vaping – what’s happening in schools, and more

Concerning research on vaping and behaviour issues in schools, a new Barbie with Down syndrome, and how a tired mum found the fun in life again.
