Best of the Web: How we hold back our children by protecting them from struggle, why all schools need Indigenous educators, and more…
Letting our kids experience struggle to become better people, World Vision's plan to help students understand Indigenous culture, how lockdown let us see our kids as students, and why we should dial back after-school activities.
Six tips for young people to look after their online safety, from the eSafety Commissioner
The Office of the eSafety Commissioner has put together valuable advice for young people to look after their online safety and wellbeing in the coming months, as they continue to spend more time online than ever before. Here's an excerpt from eSafety's new post, with links to resources.
The new normal: Michael Grose’s tips for families navigating this next stage
Some kids are finding the return to the classroom challenging, while for older kids, it's an opportunity for change. Parenting expert Michael Grose talks with Peter Hanlon about how families can navigate this next stage.
Home, not alone: Hope for the future
We are emerging from under the covers into a world that has evolved into something new, writes Ruairi ODuil. But will we embrace different lives?
Why it’s okay to feel out of control – and why things will get better
We're used to exerting control in our lives, but all that has changed, writes Tim Klein. It's important to acknowledge what's happening.
Our super list of great ideas for kids at home
Play the new Science Island game, learn how to juggle, plus fun activities from The Gruffalo books – all new on our updated list of ideas for kids of all ages, curated from around the world.
Andrew Fuller: Ideas for moving from stressed to strong
We've been through a lot, and there's more to come. Clinical psychologist Andrew Fuller offers some inspiring ideas to help us cope in these trying times.
Best books for kids to help them understand the coronavirus
A new wave of books has been published online to help children understand the coronavirus and protect themselves. Shih-Wen Sue Chen, Kristine Moruzi and Paul Venzo from Deakin University give their top picks.
Home, not alone: Cocooning has been hardest on the Tweenies
In Ruairi O'Duil's household, isolation has been hardest on his Tween. Will our Tweens be the Covid Kids, a generation that needs special care?