Resources about Autism for young people

The team from the I CAN Network share their favourite resources about autism for young people and their peers.

The I CAN Network is Australia’s largest provider of Autistic-led group mentoring programs, training and consultancy. They have a 50 per cent difference: half of their staff are Autistic.

Their school and online mentoring programs empower 9 to 20-year-old young people with an ‘I CAN’ attitude.

Here they share some of their favourite resources about autism for autistic young people and their peers.

Resources to watch

  • From Dr. Wenn Lawson, a wonderful “TeDB Talk” on What It Means To Be Autistic. Geared toward Autistic young people.
  • From Reframing AutismHow To Talk To Children About Autism, a step-by-step guide on how to introduce and normalise differences from a very young age and help Autistic children embrace who they are. This webinar includes many references to additional resources. A shorter, accessible overview can be found here.
  • Pablo, the groundbreaking children’s series features an all-Autistic main cast & Autistic writers.
The more people who hear positive things about Autism when they are young, the better chance we have of building a world that is inclusive.
-Thomas, a longtime I CAN mentee-now-mentor

Stories and insights from Autistic young people

Resources to read

A few wonderful books to check out (all by Autistic authors):

About I CAN Network

We thank the I CAN Network for allowing us to repost this article, which originally appeared on the I CAN Blog.

The I CAN Network story started with one family, the Varneys. Lisa Anderson and John Varney instilled an ‘I CAN’ attitude in their Autistic son Chris through a network of supportive friends and teachers. Years later, in 2013, Chris founded ‘I CAN Network’ with the help of two Autistic mates Penny Robinson and James Ong.

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