The Tiny Humans household found itself not only in lockdown but quarantined, writes Natalie Moutafis, who shares her perspective on the challenges.
Lockdown 2.0 threw another curveball at us last week, with our early learning centre closing due to a confirmed case of coronavirus.
I immediately worried about the health of the two tiny humans and wanted as much information as our centre could provide.
We were informed that it wasn’t an educator who had tested positive, but another child. Someone else’s tiny human and my heart felt heavy. I knew how worried I was, so I couldn’t begin to imagine the next level type of worry the parents of that child must have been going through.
Our centre did their best to provide what information they could when they could while following all the guidelines to do so, but we found this slow and incredibly frustrating. We took matters into our own hands and went off to be tested while we waited to find out if the kids were considered close contacts.
Getting tested meant we had to behave as though we had a positive result until proven otherwise.
Head directly home.
Do not pass go.
Do not collect your $200.
Into quarantine with two tiny humans who were already climbing the walls (and every other piece of available furniture) with the second round of lockdown restrictions.
This meant getting creative.
Cubby houses were built and destroyed.
Stories were read ad nauseam.
Baking was made and devoured.
Duplo was constructed and tipped all over the floor.
Play-doh was pulled and squished.
Dance parties were had.
TV was watched.

But it still didn’t stop our son asking, ‘What day is it Mumma, is it a school day today?’. He was heartbroken to be told that ‘school’ had to close because of the virus and germs. That another child was not feeling well and that all the educators and children had to stay away to make sure everyone didn’t get sick and to make sure all the books, toys and play equipment could be cleaned properly.
A little over a week later we got the message that the centre was reopening, and we were all excited. But then the confusion set in because the 14-day quarantine period hadn’t passed. Even though we had negative test results (thankfully), we still weren’t out of the woods yet and needed to wait out the quarantine to ensure no delayed onset of symptoms. So another week in quarantine ensues.
We are almost through the second week. My husband and I are having to tag-team so we can both get some work done in our ‘real jobs’, while the other continues to find ways to entertain the kids.
Frustrations are running high. We’re both still very worried about their return to childcare, but worries do none of us any good (because kids are sponges). So we’re doing our best to look for the silver linings.
Things like our son drawing his first self-portrait.
Our daughter learning new words like ‘wow’ and ‘hot’.
The two of them discovering new ways to play together.
Lockdown and now quarantine, it’s incredibly hard. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns as some social media channels would lead you to believe. But we are doing it because we would rather be out of this situation sooner than later, and the health and safety of our children are more important than anything else right now.
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Natalie Moutafis is the author of our Tiny Humans blog, providing her engaging and insightful take on life with two young children. Natalie is also a project manager at ISV.