Wednesday is the special day Natalie Moutafis spends with her Tiny Humans. With the eldest about to start school, the weekly get-together is about to change.
As I write this, I have 13 Wednesdays left with the eldest tiny human – don’t worry, it’s nothing sinister; you see, Wednesday is our ‘mummy and tiny humans’ day off together. There’s no kindy or childcare and the three of us spend the day doing things together.
But I recently realised as we began our transition to prep process with the primary school my son will be attending next year, that our weekly day off together was going to end soon – in a mere 13 Wednesdays!
I’ve been guilty at times of wishing a Wednesday away, particularly if there have been some toddler meltdowns – particularly during lockdowns – and then immediately feeling remorse about that. But realising the limited number of days left with my kindy kid before he heads to ‘big school’ really stopped me in my tracks.
These days together are different to weekends together. Wednesdays are my only day left since gradually increasing my return to work after maternity leave.
Of course, I’ll still have the day, for now, with my daughter as she’ll still have Wednesday off. But losing these days with my son feel like I really have to say goodbye to his babyhood – the early years.
I’m thankful I’ve been fortunate enough over the past almost five years to have varying periods of time at home with him (and more recently, my daughter). With all the reading I do and the information I’ve learnt here at work, I have a better understanding of how important the first five years are in child development. For the tiny human household, that meant a balance of being at home with me as the primary caregiver and attending an early learning centre, and it seems to have worked well for us.

But back to Wednesdays. Before I know it, we’ll be trying on school uniforms and purchasing new school shoes and stationery in the back-to-school sales in December and January. So for now, I’m trying to find ways to make the most of our time together, because from what I’m told, once these kindy kids are in prep, you don’t know as much about their day as you used to.
When he’s at kindy, the educators send me updates on what he’s been learning and some lovely photos to go with it through their app. I know I won’t be getting that once he’s at school. I also hear about his day when I pick him up and the educators fill me in. I know the school teacher won’t always have time to do this (with another 20 odd parents wanting similar details at the classroom door at exactly the same time).
So this week, we’re having a coffee and babycino date at a café, meeting some friends for a play and probably baking some chocolate chip biscuits – something that’s become a bit of a Wednesday tradition for us.
I’ll keep making memories with my tiny human, and do my best to roll with those age-appropriate meltdowns if they happen and look forward to him stealing all the chocolate chips before the biscuits are even in the oven!
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Natalie Moutafis is the author of our Tiny Humans blog, providing her engaging and insightful take on life with two young children. Natalie is also a project manager at ISV.