How have young people coped with lockdown? We asked a group of kids from around the world to talk about their experiences. Watch the video here, the first in a two-part series of Kids in Lockdown.
As kids returned to the classroom, we asked them about their experiences living in lockdown: What was fun? What did you miss? How have you stayed active and kept in contact with your friends?
We asked Independent School Victoria staff to reach out to kids they know around the world and the responses we captured were overwhelmingly positive.
Young people from Australia, the United Kingdom, and Argentina offered their insights. They said they enjoyed spending time with their families, baking, exercising, time with pets and having more free time. They liked sleeping in and even finishing schoolwork early.
Some missed school, their friends, shopping and going out with their family. Kids kept their fitness through a range of activities from trampolining and bike riding to family workout sessions. They connected with their friends almost every day through social media, Facetime and Zoom. Kids were innovative with playing games and having virtual sleepovers.
Watch out for the second video in the series, on what the kids will remember, coming soon.
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