
The real weight of parenting

Keeping kids to the school routine and driving them to sports and parties can be exhausting, says Michelle Mitchell, but parents carry an even heavier weight.


Building coping mechanisms in children and teens

We want our children to be more than simply resilient to today's mental health challenges, says Dr Michael Nagel. They need to learn how to adapt.


Andrew Fuller: Neuroplasticity and improving learning

Our brains develop throughout our lives, but there are two incredible bursts of growth when we are young. We can help our children make the most of these surges, says Andrew Fuller.


How can we keep our kids hopeful during uncertain times?

Helping children learn how to cope with uncertainty may well be the most important role that parents play, says psychologist Dr Lyn O’Grady. To do that, we need to help them find reasons to hope.


Girls must let hope, and not unprecedented times, shape their future

The 2024 International Day of the Girl Child theme calls on us to help girls 'realise their vision for the future'. That means helping them to embrace their aspirations and pursue their ambitions, says Strathcona Girls Grammar Principal Lorna Beegan.


Why our teens need to learn about failure, by Maggie Dent

Maggie Dent shares her tips for helping your teens see failure through a growth mindset and develop the grit to bounce back after a disappointment.


Andrew Fuller: Overcoming procrastination

To stop procrastinating, we need to kickstart our momentum. To do that, we need to understand what is happening to our brain.


Unstoppable girls: how to empower your daughter to break free of gender stereotyping

In a world still cloaked in gender stereotyping, the need to empower young women to envision a life of limitless possibilities is critical.


Phonics: a guide for parents

From 2025, all Victorian government schools will be required to teach reading using a phonics-based approach known as SSP. But what is it? And how can parents help their child learn to read in a way that aligns with what they are learning at school?
