Ivy League Aspirations

What's it like when your child decides to study overseas? Paula Beaton tells of her experience.


Best of the Web: Nurturing Good Writers, What Kids Think about Parental Phone Use, and Finland Excited about Victoria’s Best

Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.


From Can’t Do to Can Do

Andrew Fuller provides some great tips for parents to help their children develop a positive approach to life.


Schools, Sexism and Sneering Commentary

Prejudiced commentary ignores school efforts to counter sexism, writes Michelle Green, Chief Executive, Independent Schools Victoria.


New Friends, Forever Memories

Korowa Anglican Girls’ School sent a group of Year 10 students on the school’s first international service learning trip to Cambodia, working alongside local charitable organisations. Here are their reflections.


iGen: How the smartphone has affected an entire generation

The smartphone has had a profound impact on the mental health of young people, writes Professor Jean Twenge.


Best of the Web: Teaching Kids Dollar Smarts, Why It’s Okay to Fail, Focus on Wellbeing and Dirt is Good

Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.


eSafety Commissioner: Is there such a thing as ‘safe sexting?’

eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman-Grant discusses the practice of 'sexting' among young people, and what parents can do to protect their child.


Changing Children’s Minds and Brains, Part 3

In the final of a three-part series, Diane Bourke explains the Output Phase of the Feuerstein approach to helping children learn.
