Natalie Moutafis

Best of the Web: The impact of dad jokes, and more

The way dad jokes teach social skills, what happens when you stop 'sharenting', and the two activities to help raise smarter kids.


So you want to be…a sound designer or voice over artist

In the next instalment of our series, 'So you want to be...' Natalie Moutafis speaks with Dan Brumm, commercial and animation voice over and the sound designer for the multi-award winning Bluey.


Making history: The 2023 Children’s Book of the Year Winners

The 2023 Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards acknowledges the work of writers and illustrators that enrich the imaginations of our young readers.


Best of the Web: How to be a supportive adult in a child’s life, and more

Tips on how to be a child's favourite adult. What is the International Baccalaureate? And are you an 'orchid' or 'dandelion' parent?


Best of the Web: When your teen asks for non-alcoholic beer, and more

What to consider when your teen asks for a non-alcoholic beer or wine, self-care tips for parents from mental health experts and how to help young people with dyslexia.


Ideas to celebrate National Science Week 2023

National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology - here are eight ideas to help you get involved.


Best of the Web: The best musical instrument for your child, and more

Which musical instrument is best for your child, do sick days equal screen time, and a fierce new season of a podcast.


There’s a Bully in My Brain: A book review

Sometimes, our inner voice can become too negative. Natalie Moutafis has found a new picture book that seeks to quiet that self-doubt and encourage more positive thinking.


Best of the Web: The unpredictability of bush kinder, and more

How bush kinder teaches children to be organised and prepared, an experiment in free-to-air TV, and the inappropriate games kids play.
