We've just announced the results of ISV's Student Poetry Competition, and this week, we are celebrating by featuring videos of the winners reciting their poems. Enjoy Adele Bilney's reading of Winter, which took out the Prep-Year 2 category.
Adele Bilney, from Year 2 at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School, has won the Student Poetry Competition in the prep-year 2 section for her poem, Winter.
The competition, part of our Arts Learning Festival, was open to students from all school sectors, and attracted more than 300 entries.
Announcing the winners, ISV Chief Executive Michelle Green said she was impressed by the creative confidence and optimism of the poems.
‘They have drawn on nature, natural disasters and personal experience to find strength and confidence in extremely difficult times,’ Ms Green said.
This is what the judges said about Adele’s poem:
A delightful account of Winter that warms your heart and stimulates the senses. The final two lines, an indirect message of hope, is the icing on the cake.
You can watch Adele read the poem in the video below, and read it for yourself, along with the students awarded honourable mentions in the category for their outstanding work.
We will be publishing more of the winning poets reciting their poems here in coming days. You can also find full result details in the news section of the Arts Learning Festival website.
Winter, by Adele Bilney
Naked trees and woolly coats,
All tucked up by the fire.
Crackle! Pop! It goes.
I snuggle up in a ball
Trying to get warm.
I stare at the fire,
Dancing flames on glowing logs.
Finally, I fall asleep
Dreaming of my wintry world.
Then a seed in my mind sprouts into a flower
And I realise
Spring will come
Honourable Mentions
Cassius Khalil, Year 2, Fitzroy Community School
I Want to Go Home
Sophie Longley, Year 2, Firbank Grammar School
Luke Drust, Year 2, Elmore Primary School
Hope for the Future
Ariana Fais, Year 2, Elwood Primary School
Ocean Blue
James Behrendorff, Prep, Fitzroy Community School
Where I Used to Live
Polly Taylor, Year 2, Winters Flat Primary School
Good Night
Winners in other sections
Years 3-4
Silver Lining, by Mehak Soin, Year 4, Melbourne Girls Grammar
Years 5-6
After the Fire, by Felicity van Rensburg, Year 5, Harkaway Hills College
Years 7-8
Hope, by Ravin Rathnayake, Year 8, Haileybury College Edrington
Years 9-10
Hope in a Whistle, by Haelie Roberts, Year 9, Olivet Christian College
Years 11-12
Summer Longings, by Derek Villaceran, Year 12, Lilydale High School
You can read each poem by clicking on the link, as well as students who received honourable mentions.
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