My Tiny Human: Techy Toddler
In her latest My Tiny Human parenting blog, Natalie Moutafis wrestles with a digital age issue - children and screen time.
Protecting Children Online: A Community Responsibility
Parents are at the frontline of keeping children safe online, but all of us have a role in protecting children from harm, writes eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant.
Cybersafety: How to be a parent in the digital world
Former police officer and cybersafety expert Susan McLean's new book helps parents navigate the online world of their children, writes Shane Green.
Carly’s Law: Saving Young Lives
After her daughter was murdered by an online predator, Sonya Ryan began a mission to protect other children, writes Shane Green.
eSafety Commissioner: Is there such a thing as ‘safe sexting?’
eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman-Grant discusses the practice of 'sexting' among young people, and what parents can do to protect their child.
Best of the Web: making smacking illegal, parenting a gifted child, and online predators using gaming apps
Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.
Dark Social – What Parents Need to Know
Julie Inman Grant, Children's eSafety Commissioner, explains the world of 'hidden' social media messaging and its implications for children.
The eSafety Commissioner’s warning: ‘We’re 10 years behind our kids’
Julie Inman Grant, the Commonwealth’s eSafety Commissioner, urges parents to be vigilant as part of a society-wide response to protect children in the digital era, in this interview with Shane Green.