A challenging yet witty film about the impact of culture clash and racial stereotypes on young Australians from Asian backgrounds has won the Year 12 award in the annual Student Film Festival conducted by Independent Schools Victoria (ISV).
Titled The Banana in Me and directed by Yan Zi (Rosey) Feng from Korowa Anglican Girls’ School, the film exposes the difficulties, dilemmas and prejudices confronting young people who are seen as ‘the perpetual foreigner’.
Film festival judges, Christine Evely and Garry Westmore from ACMI, describe it as a smart, confident film that tackles racial stereotypes in an unsettling yet humourous way.
Winners in the festival were announced earlier this month. They were selected from entries submitted by young film makers in four categories ranging from early years to Year 12.
The festival, held as part of ISV’s long running arts program, is open to schools in all sectors and all states.
In congratulating the winners, and commending all students who entered, ISV Chief Executive Michelle Green said the festival was now an established and highly popular part of ISV’s arts program.
‘These wonderful films reveal the talent, creativity, imagination and technical skill of students in a wider range of schools and from all age groups,’ Ms Green said.
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