Mehak Soin, a Year 4 student at Melbourne Girls Grammar, has won ISV's Student Poetry Competition in the Years 3-4 section for her poem, Silver Lining. Here, she reads her winning poem.
Mehak Soin, a Year 4 student at Melbourne Girls Grammar, has won ISV’s Student Poetry Competition in the Years 3-4 section for her poem, Silver Lining.
The competition, part of our Arts Learning Festival, was open to students from all school sectors, and attracted more than 300 entries.
Announcing the winners, ISV Chief Executive Michelle Green said she was impressed by the creative confidence and optimism of the poems.
‘They have drawn on nature, natural disasters and personal experience to find strength and confidence in extremely difficult times,’ Ms Green said.
This is what the judges said about Mehak’s poem:
A sincere and hopeful ode to the pandemic. The short phrases and crispness of language engage and inspire.
You can watch Mehak read the poem in the video below, and read it for yourself, along with the students awarded honourable mentions in the category for their outstanding work.
Every day this week, we’ll be sharing videos of our winners reciting their poems.
You can watch our winner in the Prep-Year 2 category, Adele Bilney, reading her poem, Winter, by clicking here.
Felicity van Rensburg, winner in the Years 5-6, reading her poem, After the Fire, by clicking here.
Ravin Rathnayake, winner in the Years 7-8 category, reading his poem, by clicking here.
Haelie Roberts, winner in the Years 9-10, reading her poem, Hope in a Whistle, by clicking here.
Derek Villaceran, winner in the Years 11-12 category, reading his poem, Summer Longings, by clicking here.
You can also find full result details in the news section of the Arts Learning Festival website.
Silver Lining, by Mehak Soin
Dark, Doom, Danger
Moon mysteriously gone
The winds wearing down
Schools amidst shutdowns
People living in lockdown
Nation in nightmare
World suffering in sadness
All I hear are sounds of silence
Things are going tough
Universe is united in cure
People healing with hope
Workers are our warriors
We are braver than we believe
We are stronger than we seem
Tough times never last
Now is the time to stand up or never
Together we will get through
Australia, we are in it altogether
Honourable mentions
Ada Hammerton-Lee, Year 4, Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School
Morning Dew
Riley Wooster, Year 4, Shepparton East Primary School
Jonah Solomon, Year 4, The King David School,
The Wonders of my Backyard
Yannee Xu, Year 4, Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School
Winners in other sections
Prep-Year 2
Winter, by Adele Bilney, Year 2, Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School
Years 5-6
After the Fire, by Felicity van Rensburg, Year 5, Harkaway Hills College
Years 7-8
Hope, by Ravin Rathnayake, Year 8, Haileybury College Edrington
Years 9-10
Hope in a Whistle, by Haelie Roberts, Year 9, Olivet Christian College
Years 11-12
Summer Longings, by Derek Villaceran, Year 12, Lilydale High School
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