More time at home has seen the Tiny Human household develop a stronger bond with their neighbours. Natalie Moutafis shares her letter of thanks.
To our Neighbours,
How can we ever ‘thank you’?
You have done, and continue to do, so many things for our little family.
We might live in an inner-city apartment where it’s not very common for people to be ‘neighbourly’ but you’ve helped us show our Tiny Humans what it means to have community and a sense of belonging.
Thank you for giving our kids your precious time and attention. They have grown to really love you all, including the dog (oh how they love your dog!), and in times like these, it’s heart-warming for me to see them building relationships.
Thank you for telling us that you don’t really hear the commotion, either their squeals of joy or my shouting to get down off the furniture again or just the rough and tumble of play from our side of the wall, even though I’m sure you must.
Thank you for having your ‘Covid-safe’ birthday party on your balcony but giving our kids the presents. And for the presents at other times for no reason other than to put a smile on the little faces.
Our kids are still only little, so they don’t always understand that they can’t run around with voices at high volumes in the common areas of our apartment complex but you make it seem like it’s what the corridors are made for and let them show you how fast they can race, thank you.
Thank you for sending over sweet treats and accepting the ones in return that little hands pass to you.
The excitement at wanting to run out and say hello to you when they hear you out on your balcony, or wanting to knock on your door and deliver some handpicked flowers that have been delicately carried all that way home from the park, thank you for encouraging them and always having a moment to spare.
You may not realise this, but when you are on the balcony, chatting to them, answering the same question for the hundredth time, you give me the 10 minutes I need to not only get their dinner or lunch on the table but to recharge too. It helps me be a better parent, thank you.
Thank you for proudly displaying the rainbow art collage on your front door for the past eight months – it is still spoken about almost daily as we walk past by the proudest Tiny Human.
You may not think these things amount to much, but to us, it’s so much. You’re our village in the absence of a village.
Thank you!
The Tiny Human household
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Natalie Moutafis is the author of our Tiny Humans blog, providing her engaging and insightful take on life with two young children. Natalie is also a project manager at ISV.