Lennie's Van is helping students at St Leonard's College understand the meaning of helping others.
Lennie’s Van is an initiative by St Leonard’s College, which encourages students to have a positive impact on the lives of others.
Open to Year 10 and 11 students, along with staff, Lennie’s Van provides a community hot breakfast service for those who may be considered ‘food vulnerable’ or in need in the local community.
Breakfast services run during school terms. Students prepare and cook breakfast, and pack and unpack the van. The students also encourage and assist school children with the preparation of nutritious school lunches.
Lennie’s Van also attends several community engagement ‘BBQ Party’ events throughout the year. These events are run through Bayside City Council in conjunction with Connect Health, Rotary, Victoria Police and other services that support the community.
The ‘BBQ Party’ events provide another opportunity for St Leonard’s students to interact with children through playing games and reading. Patrons are also welcome to sample baked goods, which are lovingly prepared by the St Leonard’s parent community.
Term 2 has seen the start of a monthly lunch service intended for adults. Nicknamed ‘Soups and Sweets’, the sweets are baked by Year 8 Food Technology students.
This lunch service provides a venue for social interaction, helping to reduce the feeling of social isolation reported by many.
Funded by the proceeds of the St Leonard’s Community Day Fair, the Lennie’s Van program is also supported by local businesses including The Leaf Store, Pezzo Di Pane Bakery and Chefs Choice Meats who provide supplies for the services.
The Lennie’s Van program provides wonderful opportunities for St Leonard’s students to understand that helping others is not just a mandate from their teachers, but a lifelong mindset.

Bron Betro (Community Coordinator, Corporate), students Lael, Anna, and Gab.

Main image: Ethan, Lisa Slingsby (Deputy Principal), and Jessica.
Community Connections reports on the great community work of Independent school students and staff. If you would like to share your school’s community work, email ISV’s Shane Green with the details.
You can also read previous Community Connection posts about Mansfield Steiner School, Al Siraat College, Kardinia International College, The Geelong College, St Catherine’s School, and Beaconhills College.
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