Best Of The Web

Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.

Best of the Web: How to talk to kids about disability, and more

How to talk to kids about disability, being a calmer parent, how to break the headlice cycle, and whether it's okay to snoop through your child's phone.


Best of the Web: when your child starting school is harder on you than them, and more

When your child starting prep is harder on you than them, how a school is using music to help kids transition to school, and the risks of posting back-to-school photos


Best of the Web: TikTok bans beauty filters for kids, the rise of image-based abuse, and more

Why TikTok is banning beauty filters for teens, how image-based abuse is changing childhood, and not saying 'no' to your children


Best of the Web: finding the right balance with extracurricular activities, and more

Finding the right balance with extracurricular activities, Andrew Garfield and Elmo explain grief, improving your child's sleep routines and when to talk to your kids about pornography.


Best of the Web: when your teenager pulls away from you, and more

How to deal with the hurt when your teenager pulls away from you, how online gaming leads to online gambling, and helping your kids transition to high school.


Best of the Web: an author’s suggestion for a ‘revolution-starting’ Book Week costume, and more

A 'revolution-starting' Book Week costume, how two Children's Book of the Year winners engage with their readers, and the curious boom in skincare for teens.


Best of the Web: How an ‘exit strategy’ can help keep your teen safe, and more

How an 'exit strategy' can help your teen stay safe when things go south, the life-changing impact of an autism diagnosis for teens, and why Pamela Allen is still writing storybooks at the age of 90.


Best of the Web: Parental bias when it comes to maths abilities, and more

How gender stereotypes at home may hamper female students’ progression in the classroom, are we robbing our kids of music discovery, and the impact of sleep on teen mental health.


Best of the Web: Should you ban your child from social media, and more

Why banning your child from social media might not be the best approach, the finalists in this year's Children's Book of the Year awards, and the need for compassion when it comes to school refusal.
