
What can you do if your child hates reading?

Book week can be a fun time many children, but what if your child doesn’t like reading? Professor Genevieve McArthur shares what parents can do.


Best of the Web: How an ‘exit strategy’ can help keep your teen safe, and more

How an 'exit strategy' can help your teen stay safe when things go south, the life-changing impact of an autism diagnosis for teens, and why Pamela Allen is still writing storybooks at the age of 90.


Why won’t my kids listen to me? A psychologist explains

Have you ever asked your child to do something simple but no matter how many times you ask, they keep ignoring you?


Parents are increasingly saying their child is ‘dysregulated’. What does that actually mean?

Children can have big emotions and sometimes struggle to process them. Here’s what it means for a child to be ‘dysregulated’.


No, sugar doesn’t make your kids hyperactive

Although the link between sugar and hyperactivity is murky, there is a proven link between the neurotransmitter dopamine and increased activity, writes Amy Reichelt.


Four habits to help kids with social anxiety

We can help children confront their social fears and develop tools to deal with anxious feelings, writes Jamie Lynn Tatera.


Best of the Web: Parental bias when it comes to maths abilities, and more

How gender stereotypes at home may hamper female students’ progression in the classroom, are we robbing our kids of music discovery, and the impact of sleep on teen mental health.


How to talk to your kids about misogyny in school

It can be a challenging conversation, but parents must talk to their children about their experiences of sexism and misogyny in school, writes Dr Catherine Smith.


Parenting a perfectionist? Here’s how you can respond

Children and adolescents may experience perfectionism in relation to school work, sport, performance in art or music, or their own body. Here researchers share how parents can tackle it.
