Best of Web: Why Homework Matters, and more…

The importance of homework, nurturing parenting, coping with traumatic news, and giving kids hands-on money experience.

Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.

The benefits of homework may not be immediately apparent

(Andrew Martin, The Age)

Homework: It’s sometimes seen as a burden on students and their families. It’s not always easy. It’s done at a stressful time when tensions and arguments are most likely to flare, and tears to fall. So why bother? The author, from the University of NSW, makes the case for homework, including helping kids who are struggling to hang in there at school.

Philippa Perry – ‘Listen carefully, parents – and don’t despair.’

(Robyn Wilder, The Guardian)

This is an engaging interview with Philippa Perry, the well-known British psychotherapist, who’s just written a book on parenting. But as this article notes, the book isn’t one of those fat tomes offering parents ways to ‘hack’ their children into behaving. The book posits ‘gently but firmly’ that being a parent isn’t something to be hacked – rather, it’s a relationship to invest in and nurture.

 How to cope with traumatic news – an illustrated guide

(ABC News)

The horrific shootings in Christchurch have received blanket media coverage, bringing the trauma to everyone. This is an excellent illustrated guide on how all of us – especially children – can be affected. Children, for example, might worry the same sort of thing might happen to them and their family. The guide offers some useful strategies to help us all cope.

Do kids need more hands-on experience with money?

(Alexis Blue, Agenda, World Economic Forum)

The importance of financial literacy is gaining more attention, and a new study has underlined the important role that parents play. Previous research has looked at the examples parents set with money and what they teach their children. However, this latest study emphasises the importance of hands-on practice managing money, while the stakes are still low.

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