Where our kids will find jobs in the future, why teenagers are incredible, and anti-family workplaces.
Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.

Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style
(Lisa Denny, The Conversation)
Deciding on a career path can be scary and confusing for young people. The author says that ‘sensationalist’ claims that 40 per cent of jobs won’t exist in the future are unhelpful. Some jobs will disappear, new jobs will be created, others will be transformed. Young people should be aware that jobs at risk are those with routine, repeatable high precision processes. The jobs in the future will be include those involving skills such as creativity, problem-solving and communication skills.
Seven secrets to raising awesome, functional teenagers
(Christie Halverson, Upworthy)
When it comes to parents discussing teenagers, the conversation is often characterised by negativity – who is this alien who was once my sweet, adorable child? This post is a perfect counter, declaring that we should disbelieve the myth that teenagers are all sullen door-slammers.’Teenagers are incredible,’ the author writes. She offers some practical tips to navigate these years, beginning with the idea of accepting who teenagers are: quirky, messy, loving – and always hungry.
James missed his daughter’s first school day 13 years ago. It still hurts
(Charlotte Grieve, The Sydney Morning Herald)
We might think we’ve come a long way with flexibility for parents in the workplace, but this recent report indicates that some employers continue to take an anti-family approach. A recruitment director sparked a conversation on social media about the issue, and was flooded with examples of workplace culture coming up against being a parent. A woman was told to take down a photo of her family, while others told of having to take a sickie to attend a special occasion.
Three simple rituals that will make you a fantastic parent
(Eric Barker, Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
The author specialises in tracking down the science-based and expert thinking about how we live our lives. His recent Barking Up the Wrong Tree book debuted at number two on The Wall Street Journal’s best-seller list. In this blog, he delves into the work of Ross Greene’s book, The Explosive Child. The beginning point is that if your child misbehaves or does the wrong thing, they are lacking skills such as flexibility and problem-solving. This explains why punishments don’t work.
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