Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.

Teenagers get judged a lot. There’s pervasive negative stereotypes about them, and even if those aren’t in play, adults tend to be looking at ways to cultivate a teen’s growth. Dogs? Not so much. They and others pets don’t judge or criticise. ‘You have this being who is 100 per cent in your corner,’ says a vet and father of two tween daughters. The article’s author, Dr LIsa Damour, is a leading clinical psychologist in the United States, who we interviewed recently about her new book, Under Pressure, about helping girls deal with toxic stress.
Nearly 30 per cent of kids experience sibling bullying
(Rachael Sharman, The Conversation)
There’s been a national movement to address the problem of bullying, with programs being widely implemented in schools. This article poses a disturbing and challenging question – what if your bully is your brother or sister? The author says that sibling bullying often flies under the radar, dismissed as a normal part of the tensions between siblings. This deeper dive into the issue explores the factors that might be at play.
Four things that kids wish their parents knew
(Rose Wong, ideas.ted.com)
The parent-child relationship is usually a one-way street when it comes to advice and feedback. The parent delivers, the child receives. Indian parenting author Swati Lodha turned this dynamic on its head. She collaborated with her 16-year-daughter to produce a book on what advice kids would like to share with their parents, interviewing about 200 children aged 8-18. The findings are fascinating, including many kids pointing out that disagreement is not the same as disrespect.
A Better Way to Develop Your Child’s Confidence
(Eileen Kennedy-Moore, Greater Good Magazine)
The young high school student was in a state when she went to see the author, a clinical psychologist. ‘What if I grow up to be ordinary?’ the girl said. It’s a situation that author often sees – equating self-worth with being impressive. This article makes the case for a new approach where we encourage children to have a ‘quiet ego’ – helping them reduce self-focus, giving them breathing room to grow.
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