Best of the Web: Instant gratification behind teen anxiety, and more

The role of instant gratification in teen anxiety, the shallowness of skim reading, and no time to be a more productive parent.


The importance of being good for something

Three friends on a train to Paris overpowered a terrorist, and became heroes. Michelle Green, Chief Executive of Independent Schools Victoria, draws on their inspirational story in a speech to graduating students at Christian College Geelong.


Children’s Books: the Best of 2018

Speech Pathology Australia has announced the winners of its 2018 Children's Book of the Year Awards.


Art Smarts Part 2: Helping Kids Engage with Art

What's the best way parents interact with their children when viewing art? In the second and final article in her series, Diane Bourke says it's about good questions and careful listening.


How to Help Children Deal with Stress and Anxiety

Clinical psychologist Faye Evans offers some practical advice for parents in helping their child deal with stressful situations.


Best of the Web: Getting kids to write, and more

Encouraging our children to write, why the ATAR matters, kids books go political, and our young concerned about mental health.


The Power of Routine: How to End the End-of-Day Frenzy

A predictable structure can help families gain quality time and reduce the end-of-day frenzy, writes Heather Miller.


The one thing that will define your life

Louka Parry has a personal mantra: control your tech, or it will control you.


My Tiny Human: Five Things my Toddler has Taught Me

As her toddler approaches his second birthday, our parenting blogger Natalie Moutafis reflects on what has changed, and what her son has taught her.
