Help your kids with homework – but not too much

Children benefit when parents get involved in their learning. But when it comes to homework, parents need to be careful to put limits on the assistance they give, writes Melissa Barnes.


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Big Ted and friends help parents keep young kids safe online

The eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant explains how her office has teamed up with the ABC's Play School to develop new resources for parents of children under 5, including a downloadable Family Tech Agreement.


VCE parents: How to be your child’s cheerleader, and more tips

Is your teen embarking on the VCE? An update of the book Surviving Year 12 by Michael Carr-Gregg and Elly Robinson is full of useful advice so students and their families can survive and thrive.


Five tips to help kids ease back into school

School is about to go back. Are you and your child ready? Here are some suggestions to make the transition easier. By Christine Grove and Kelly-Ann Allen.


Helping people deal with traumatic events

University of Melbourne's Professor Meaghan O'Donnell provides some useful, research-backed advice to support family and friends who have been through life-threatening and distressing events.


My tiny humans: Explaining the bushfires

Her toddler has seen images from the bushfires on the TV, and wondered about the 'grey' sky. By Natalie Moutafis.


Talking with kids about the bushfire emergency

How do we talk with our children about the bushfire emergency? Caroline Ellen offers some useful advice about how to approach this difficult conversation. You'll also find links to other resources.
